The story of Etana Editions

  • We want to encourage children to be curious and explore the world around them as well as their own imagination. Family storytimes spent with books open doors for sharing feelings and thoughts. — Jenni & Réka, Etana Editions

  • Jenni Erkintalo and Réka Király founded Etana Editions, a publishing house specializing in high-quality children's picture books, in 2014. They are the tentacles of Etana — 'snail' in Finnish — that receive children's wishes. The strength of the publishing house is a growing amount of skilled storytellers, who create our colorful and joyous atmosphere. In eight years, Etana Editions has published more than 70 books and held dozens of design and storytelling workshops for children. The translation rights of books published by Etana have been sold in 16 different language areas, and they have won numerous awards in Finland and abroad.

  • Etana Editions was awarded the State Prize for Children's Culture in 2020. The Finnish Institute for Children's Literature awarded Etana Editions with Onnimanni Award in 2018, and in the same year Etana was nominated for the ALMA Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Etana Editions has twice, in 2019 and 2023, been nominated for BOP Prize — The Best European Children's Book Publisher of the Year.