Jenni Erkintalo & Réka Király
(Original title: Talo kulman takana)
2016, Etana Editions
Eppu, a young and shy child moves to a new home, it is in an apartment house with many flats. Luckily his Grandma lives in the new building too. So many new neighbors to meet and various ways to live. A House Around the Corner is a picture book about the various Residences of an old house, as seen through the eyes of a child. It talks about Courage and acceptance of difference, and provokes children to think about their own living environments.
This picture book's illustrations are rich in color and details. Already the structure of the books gives the Reader the feeling that you enter into a house. You find the staircase and each spread opens up a new home. Eppu overcomes his shyness, takes all his courage and discovers the building floor by floor, he makes new acquaintances.

On the second floor lives the Do – family , with great enthusiasm for music, no wonder that they named their many children Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti. The twin sisters, Dawn and Dusk Light are living on the third floor, their only disagreement is about the perfect shade of pink. On the fourth floor Eppu rings the doorbell, but he meets only the strange Mister Goblin's nose and his dog Monday . One the fifth floor lives the architect family Metre , who measure and Archive everything. The top floor is occupied by the von Organics , whose home is like a green jungle. Eppu's Grandma lives on the first floor. How will Eppu find his way all around this big house?

This fabulously imaginative picture book highlights the differences in people without putting anyone else better or worse. While making this book we – Jenni Erkintalo & Réka Király – have been discussing over and over again how could we formulate in a simple but interesting way the beautiful diversity there is in people. In this book race, religion, gender becomes irrelevant, our very basic differences are not dependent on those.

While we worked on the book, Helsinki Design Week approached us, and we started a collaboration with them as well Habitare - fair with a satellite project of Helsinki Design Week. The picture book grew into a large scale installation and even visuals. Habitare fair is the biggest interior design fair in Helsinki, held every autumn. In 2016 Habi Kids a new area for visitors with children was introduced within the fair. The 400 square meter area had three installations, a workshop area and a Kids Café. We worked on designing experiences for the visitors. Each installation was based on one spread – home from the book A House Around the Corner . By the Metre family installation, kids were able to measure, discover different weights, participate in two non-stop workshops that were related to architecture and design. They were able to experience how all the small details, measurements, information add up to a wholesome picture about the house the story takes place in. The installation about Do family gave space for children to use their energy piled up while going around with their parents at the fair, for jumping, running and building with large colorful soft "donuts". Products we found from the company bObles . Last but not least the twin sisters Dawn and Dusk Light occupied the last area with a Magical mirror installation where everything got multiplied numerous times. Visitors could take photos from many angles and play with cardboard elements to add to their fun photos. The Habi Kids area was a great success both loved by children and their parents. Parallel to the fair an Intensive Children's Weekend by Helsinki Design Week was also carrying Visuals and illustrative elements from the book. Kattilahalli the beautiful old building in Suvilahti, turned into a children's paradise for two days, when the 1000 square meter space got occupied but numerous free workshops and small companies selling children's goods. We used the illustrations, small details and objects from our book to create large scale mobiles
When we started to work on this children's book, little did we know how complex the project we will have in the end, including the picture book, installations, visuals, experience design and workshops. Our aim was to create a book about the beauty of diversity, awakening curiosity, listening and paying attention to one another. We believe by doing so we are able to understand and accept each other as we are. When we are more aware of our close surroundings, care about people around us even with the slight notion of a knot or a smile our differences turn into peculiarities that enrich our surroundings.
"The story is told in the most fun way, exaggerating elements that highlight the very differences in people - without putting anyone else better or worse. The story is delicious, but the illustrations are even more so. Erkintalo and Kiraly create a thrilling framework through visual Storytelling with fun details and Spectacular color palette.” Johanna Kleemola / critic, Taidekoti

All pictures by © Aino Huovio , Patrik Rastenberger and Etana Editions.